Everything you need to know before your appointment.

How it works
Spirometry is a simple test used to help diagnose and monitor certain lung conditions by measuring how much air you can breathe out in one forced breath.
It’s carried out using a device called a spirometer, which is a small machine attached by a cable to a mouthpiece. Here are few things to remember ahead of your appointment.
- Appointment
This will take approximately 1 hour – if you are unable to attend, please cancel and rearrange. - Covid Symptoms
DO NOT attend if you have COVID symptoms or have had contact with someone who has had a positive Covid test within the past 10 days. Please rearrange your appointment.. - Recovering from a chest infection?
DO NOT attend if you are taking antibiotics for a chest infection and for 4 weeks after a chest infection. Please rearrange your appointment. - Recovering from surgery
DO NOT attend if you have had abdominal surgery in the last 6 weeks. Please rearrange your appointment. - Please bring all your inhalers and spacers with you to the appointment and do not use them the morning prior to your appt. If you don’t have inhalers, please inform the surgery so that a salbutamol inhaler can be prescribed for you to collect and bring with you on the day. DO NOT have a large meal within 4 hours of attending as it may affect your ability to blow.

Want to know more?
Click the link to the NHS.uk page for more information about spirometry.

Local Support Groups
Some patients find it helpful to share their experiences and access support through support groups.
Appointment Cancelations
If you are unable to attend your appointment because of any of the above exclusions please contact us to re-arrange your appointment.

Our Respiratory team will call you with your results within 2 weeks and discuss any action needed or change to your treatment.