Your placement with the surgery will last 6 or 12 months. You will be expected to work at both our main surgery and our Branch Surgery at Sandal.

Personal Documentation
Your employment will be managed by Mid Yorkshire Hospitals Medical Staffing Department so we do not require any documentation. We do however need a few pieces of information before you start your placement;
– Smartcard Number
– Car Registration Number
Car Insurance
The terms of your contract state that you must have suitable transport to enable you to carry out your duties.
You must also maintain an effective current driving licence.
It is essential that you inform your car insurance provider that you will be using the vehicle for business purposes to ensure that your car is covered. This also enables you to claim business mileage.
You will be required to provide your own stethoscope and a doctor’s bag however the practice will provide you with a loan of other items that may be required for the period you are with us. We expect all items loaned to be returned in good condition prior to the end of your time with us.
You will be given your timetable prior to your first week at the surgery. We ask that you let us know of any prior arrangements/holiday leave/study leave at the earliest convenience to allow us to amend timetables and surgery rotas.
You will hold surgeries at both of our sites.
Initially you will have 30 minute appointments. This will be reduced over time to eventually to our routine 10 minute appointment time. This will only be done with your prior agreement.
There will always be a doctor available to support you should you need it throughout your surgery.
Home Visits
A list of home visits will be compiled throughout the morning, mainly by our triage team. This will be available by the end of your morning surgery.
You will have an appointed tutorial session each week where your tutor or a suitable alternative will provide a training/educational session. The times and subject of these sessions will be discussed with your tutor when you start.
We have a library available to all staff that has computers as well as a range of books and multimedia to support your education.
We have video recording equipment available for educational use at our surgery along with secure memory sticks for safe storage of the recordings.
Before you leave….
At the end of your placement please ensure that you leave behind;
– Visit Bag and all the contents
– Recording Materials (Video recorder, memory sticks etc)
– Surgery, Room & Cabinet Keys
– Car Park Fob