Young Person Friendly Accreditation
The practice has a ‘Young Person Friendly’ accreditation. All reception staff have received training in assisting young people to get the best from the practice.
Trinity Medical Centre has reviewed how it offers services to young people registered at the practice and welcomed the opportunity to work with the local Youth Association Group – Growing Yorkshire’s Future.
Please take a look at all our information that we feel is particularly relevant to young people. If you have any comments or suggestions we would welcome you to contact the practice via any of our feedback methods which can be found HERE
Websites you may want to visit;
Services for Young People;

You can speak to any of our doctors, nurses, healthcare assistants and other practice staff in confidence. We are also linked to Spectrum and can provide the following services if you are registered;
Wakefield Young People’s Substance Misuse Service
CGL service provides confidential drug and alcohol support for young people aged 18 and under living in Wakefield. The service also offers advice and information to parents, carers and professionals.
CLICK HERE for more information
Practice Specific Policies
We also have a range of practice policies which have areas specifically relating to young people. As these are updated regularly it is not possible to publish them on-line. These policies include;
- Medicines Management
- Confidentiality
- Chaperones
- Consent
- Safeguarding
- Registration & De-Registration
- Access to Medical Records
- Patient Online
Please contact us if you would like to see any of these policies and we will be happy to send you a copy of the latest version.
Young Person’s Access to Healthcare
As part of providing a better service to Young People, the surgery now offers a callback service from our Triage Nurses at a dedicated time.
We have telephone appointments available on the following days that are only available for Young People between 12 and 24 years old to book.
Everyday between 8.15 am and 8.30am
One of our Triage Nurses will call you back at the arranged time and offer advice as needed or refer you on to another healthcare provider within the practice if required.
Should you wish to book a telephone consultation at any of these times please call the routine appointments line on 01924 784103 and request a Young Persons Appointment.