PATCHS – A new way to contact your GP online
On the 20th March 2023 we will begin using a new system to help patients communicate with their GP surgery more effectively.
What is PATCHS?
PATCHS is an online consultation service that allows you to quickly and easily access GP services online. All you have to do is answer a few simple questions and PATCHS will get you the help you need quickly.
Patients answer a few simple free text questions, covering the details of their request and any ideas, concerns, and expectations they may have.
This enables the GP practice to quickly and safely understand how best to respond.
How do I access PATCHS?
To access patches, you can click the PATCHS banner on our homepage or using the button at the top of this page.
We ask that patients do not request URGENT appointments through PATCHS. Please visit this page for more information on booking URGENT appointments.
Help with using PATCHS
If you need any help using PATCHS you can visit their FAQ page here https://help.patchs.ai/hc/en-gb/categories/360005779313-Patients