Welcome to Trinity Medical Centre Wakefield

Our routine surgery hours are 8am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday but when the surgery is closed there are a number of ways in which the surgery can still help you.

If the problem or query isn’t urgent and you feel it can wait until the surgery is open again, send an online consultation to us via the website HERE and we will get in touch with you within 24 hours of the surgery opening again. Our online consultation will also offer self-help advice if it is available for any of the concerns you enter whilst completing the online consultation. If you have a problem or query that you feel needs more urgent attention, then there are a number of ways in which appropriate help is available. 

1. The first point of contact should always be calling the surgery number on 01924 784101. Even when the surgery is closed, our phone line will either divert you or advise you of the most appropriate way to get help and advice.

2. Between 08:00 – 18:30 Clinical Assessment service are available on the phone to give you advice and can also arrange for a GP or other appropriate Healthcare Professional to give you a call back to discuss your problem.

3. GP Care Wakefield Extra same-day and routine appointments are available locally with GP Care Wakefield. See a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional. To book a routine appointment with GP Care Wakefield, please contact our surgery on the regular reception line 01924 784101. If you are unwell when your practice is closed and GP Care Wakefield is open, call the practice number to be automatically put through to GP Care. All appointments must be pre-booked as this is not a walk-in service. Monday to Friday: 5pm – 9:30pm. Saturday: 9am – 5pm. Sunday: 9am – 1pm. Bank Holidays: 9am – 3pm

4. Outside of the above hours you will be directed to 111 which is the NHS non-emergency number. You will speak to a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals. They will ask you a series of questions to assess your symptoms and immediately direct you to the best medical care for you. This may be a telephone call from our own Clinical Assessment Service the following day if it is deemed your problem can wait. Alternatively, you will be directed to a clinician within the out of hours services. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.

Surgery Closures 2025
The surgery will be closed on the following afternoons from 12pm for training purposes The surgery will be closed on the following days for UK Public Holidays
Wed 12 FebFri 18 Apr (Good Friday)
Web 19 MarMon 21 Apr (Easter Monday)
Wed 23 AprMon 5 May (Early May Bank Holiday)
Wed 14 MayMon 26 May (Spring Bank Holiday)
Wed 18 JunMon 25 Aug (Summer Bank Holiday)
Wed 16 JulThurs 25 Dec (Christmas Day)
Wed 17 SepFri 26 Dec (Boxing Day)
Wed 15 Oct
Wed 12 Dec