Bladder & Bowel Care

Bladder Symptoms

  • Do you leak when you cough, sneeze, jump, laugh?
  • Do you feel a sudden strong urge to pass urine and have to rush to the toilet?
  • Do you leak before you get to the toilet?
  • Do you feel you go to the toilet too frequently, day or night or both?
  • Do you often go to the toilet “just in case”?
  • Do you suffer from frequent urinary tract infections?
  • Do you find your urine stream is weaker and slower than it used to be?
  • Do you feel your bladder is not completely empty after you have been to the toilet?
  • Do you have pain or discomfort on passing urine?

Bowel Symptoms

  • Do you have difficulty holding on to poo when you need to go?
  • Do you pass loose stools/poo regularly?
  • Do you leak from the back passage or stain your underwear?
  • Do you have to strain to open your bowels?
  • Do you feel constipated and uncomfortable most of the time?

If you have answered YES to any of the questions and would like help, then please contact the Specialist Service for Bladder & Bowel Care on 01924 542479 for an appointment.

Being Admitted to Hospital

Sometimes a referral from the practice may result in being admitted to hospital for treatment or a procedure as an inpatient.

Below is some information the practice felt useful for patients to help them be prepared.

Prior to your admission

Prior to your admissions to hospital you should attempt to stop smoking. Below is some information about the screening process Mid Yorks are carrying out in an attempt to reduce ill health in patients admitted to hospital:

Below is information about staying in hospital from some of the local hospitals;

Mid Yorks Hospitals:

Leeds Teaching Hospitals:

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals:

Spire Methley Park Hospital:

While You Are In Hospital

If you have an appointment with the surgery, please remember you will still need to cancel this with us if you are still in hospital. If you are unable to contact us yourself, please ask a family member or friend to do this on your behalf.

Please make sure you take all your current medication into hospital with you.If necessary, the hospital can contact the practice to gain further information but the hospital should always have access to a summary of your medical record if you have given consent to them. This summary includes information on your current and recent medication, allergies and sensitivities and any other major health conditions.

When You Leave the Hospital


The hospital may give you medication when you leave the hospital and one of our GP’s may need to re-prescribe this for you. If the hospital gives you a discharge note with this information on, please try and get this to surgery as soon as possible as there is sometimes a delay in this information being sent electronically to the practice. Someone can bring this into practice for you or you can always send a copy of it to our email address: [email protected]

Fit Notes

If you are unable to work following a discharge from hospital, the hospital may issue you with a fit note to give your employer to say you are unfit to work. If a GP needs to issue another fit note please contact the surgery as soon as you can to arrange to get another one. This may mean you just need to speak to a GP over the phone or the GP may be happy to issue one based on your discharge notes from the hospital. Please contact the surgery as soon as possible to discuss this.

Stopping Smoking

Unfortunately Trinity Medical Centre no longer provide dedicated Smoking Cessation support.

However, there are a range of clinics available locally that provide support in reducing and stopping smoking as part of the Yorkshire Smokefree initiative.

Quitting can be hard but it’s easier with our NHS specialist support. Yorkshire Smokefree provides expert NHS advice and support for anyone who wants to stop smoking. So when you’re ready to quit, we’re ready to help. Our friendly experts will help you find the best way to quit and provide support throughout your journey, so you’re smoke-free in no time.   We offer telephone supportface to face sessions, and our unique online quit program.  Our services are free, friendly and flexible and you will always have access to our specialist advisors who have helped 1000s of people to go smoke-free.

Yorkshire Smokefree

Click here for referral.