Useful Transport Links from Trinity to Sandal Medical Centre
From the Bus Station:
The following buses run from Wakefield Bus Station and will go to a big ASDA supermarket in Durkar/Sandal. Make sure you get off there, walk across the car park, pass the petrol pumps into what looks like the next complex. This complex contains an Aldi, a Rowlands Pharmacy and two restaurants called the Pagoda and Rinaldis – the Sandal Medical Centre is opposite the Rinaldi restaurant and next door to the Pagoda. Call us if you have any problems finding this.

110 – Hall Green (Every 10 Mins)
443 – Hall Green
444 – Hall Green
97 – Darton
437 – Holmfirth
Alternatively, if you wish to get a taxi, according to Uber this will cost approximately £8.